(It also unintuitively took forum email address, rather than username). While this requires users to have a GitHub account to report an issue, many didn't know that the previous bug tracker existed, let alone that they could log in with their forum credentials. On the note of bug fixes, after weighing the pros and cons, we've decided to switch to GitHub Issues moving forward for future bug reports and feature requests for SourceMod. Additionally, multiple bugfixes have made their way in since this was tagged as the new stable branch a bit over a year ago. We're continuing to provide many, many game compatibility updates as needed, including updated gamedata files. Similar to the stable branch of MM:S, there's nothing too exciting going on with this. In addition to now avoiding that confusion with MM:S, we've also revamped its builds download page, adding similar revision information and source links to what you see on the SM builds download page, and adding support for HTTPS to all downloads. As with SM, people looking to update their servers after a breaking game update would often grab the latest release rather than a snapshot build, not realizing that they might need something a bit more fresh. There will be no more "final" releases of MM:S.

However, like SM about 1.5 years ago, MM:S is now officially on a rolling release cycle as of two days ago. Not much exciting is going on with development of the stable branch of MM:S.